FREE 2-day NAMI Facilitator Training

FREE 2-day NAMI Facilitator Training
Coming to Bath, Maine
April 18 & 19, 2019

For individuals and family members who have been impacted by mental illness and/or mental health challenges

Gain the skills you need to co-facilitate a NAMI Support Group

  • Learn about group dynamics
  • Learn group structure and process
  • Practice skills that insure an effective support group meeting

This training is open only to people who have the lived experience of the type of group they will be facilitating and who make a commitment to lead a NAMI Family Support Group  for 1 year and attend a 2-day training.

For more information or to register contact:
Libby at 1-800-464-5767

52 Water Street, Hallowell, Maine 04347
(207) 622-5767, ext. 2320| (800) 464-5767